Friday, January 21, 2011

11 Months

Well today marks Michaela's 11 month milestone.  This photo was taken this past weekend, while I was trying to get some shots to use on her first birthday invitations.  I think this is the one.

As I've mentioned before, she is on her way to walking, but not quite there yet.  She will take a few steps here and there, and then drop down, especially if she knows you're watching her.  Kevin and I have noticed and daycare has mentioned it as well that if you let her go and kind of watch out of the corner of your eye she will take more steps.  I hope to post a good video of this soon.

She is starting to show her temper sometimes, like when she gets into something she not supposed to (the dog's food, liquor cabinet, toilet) and you take her away from it.  I've been trying to offer her something else, like a toy, when this happens, but she is not always interested.  We're trying to teach her the word 'no' but for now she just points and laughs at us when we say it.  She continues to babble and chatter, with da-da being the most common sound coming out.  She laughs a lot more than she used to, usually at the dog or daddy.

We had a check up back at the beginning of January.  It was actually the 9 month one but we are a little behind due to switching doctors and waiting for an appointment.  Which, I am very glad we made the switch because I really like the doctor she is seeing now.  Anyway, at that checkup he was quite pleased with her progress, and commented that we can look for her to be athletic when she gets older.  At that visit, she was approximately 18 pounds and 28 inches long. 

She does very well with table food.  Some of the foods we've tried that she loves are pasta, chicken, lasagna, pizza and small dices of fruits and veggies.  She seems to love small veggies she can pick up, like corn and peas.  She loves her water in a sippy cup with a straw and still takes 3 or 4 bottles of breast milk per day.  I am anxious to introduce her to cow's milk but I am not sure when we will do that, as I have heard different things about when to start. 

That about does it for our update.  We are in the middle of planning her first birthday festivities.  It will be a fun filled weekend!

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